Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Conundrum Caused by Third Shift

So I work third shift. During my work week, I wake up between 4 and 6 PM. I"m on my weekend now, and I get 3 days off, because I work 10 hour shifts. My husband also works these late hours, but he's on 8 hour shifts, so he only gets 2 days off. Today is my day off by myself. The thing is, we don't go to the market until tomorrow, when we're both off work. I've got no food in the house, it's 9pm, and I just crawled out of bed and am HUNGRY. The only way I can stick to a local business is to get Chinese, or maybe a local pizza joint. But I don't want to spend that kind of money. I would have preferred to make myself something to eat.
I actually wanted to go to the market this morning after work, but I started getting too tired once it was time for me to leave. See, the market opens at 9am during the week, which would be nice for me, except for its proximity to downtown. In order to get there at that time of the morning, I would have to battle rush hour traffic the entire way. And my route takes me on a bridge over a major highway leading into downtown, with entrances to that highway, so I can just imagine how long I would be sitting in traffic, and that area isn't a great part of town, either. So, when we go to the market during the week, we usually either get some sleep in the morning and wake up in the early afternoon and then go to the market, or we go after rush hour has died down. And the market closes at 6, so no matter what we have to get up early just to go there.
So the point is: do I get something at Kroger to make myself and save money or do I stick with a local business, like I'm trying to do? Of course, if those Kashi pizzas are still on sale, it actually might be cheaper to go with a local business, because I know I'll stock up on them.

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