Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

I've decided to set this up as a way of tracking my progress in my quest to better myself.

We go on vacation starting tomorrow, but when I get back, I have some goals to work towards.
These goals are:
  • Quit smoking.
  • Eat healthier. This includes eating organic and natural foods, more fruits and veggies, and cutting out terrible, lab-made foods like high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated soybean oil.
  • Lose weight. (kinda goes hand-in-hand with the last point, but it's on my list of stuff that I really need to do to better myself.)
  • Be more active. Even if it's just the Wii Fit, or taking a walk around the block every day.
  • Be more eco-friendly. Sure, I recycle, but I can do so much more than that. I want to attempt to cut back my "carbon footprint" by reducing my waste, using more eco-friendly products, and finding alternatives to using non-biodegradable products such as plastics in everyday life. Hug a tree. :)
  • Shop locally. Fuck the big corporations, they've got enough money. Let's give our money to local merchants. It keeps jobs and tax money in the area, the products are often better then the mass-produced goods at the megastores, they're more personable and usually treat their workers better than the big stores do. This should be easy to do with our food, since we do this a lot already, but I've got no idea of where to find a local clothing shop. The pet food will be hard, too.
  • Whenever possible, make it myself! For example, I have actually been thinking a lot lately about how much money we spend on our cats. I love 'em to death, and I want the best for them, but the organic, eco-friendly, and natural food and litter are very expensive. What if I made my own? How would I do it, and how much money would I save?

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